Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Frailty thy name is woman Essay Example

Frailty thy name is woman Essay Example Frailty thy name is woman Paper Frailty thy name is woman Paper Essay Topic: The Heart Of a Woman By Ophelia doing this, we can link it to Shakespeare’s portrayal of women as mentally frail when around others, unable to hold a sentence or communicate. Hamlet offers copious amounts of evidence to the audience of his madness; however there is a lack of evidence to Ophelia’s madness apart from the death of her father and rejection by Hamlet. The audience can see she displays a form of insanity in Act Four Scene Five. Ophelia shows a method to her madness in which she is suffering over the loss of her father, and all she can do after learning of the death of her father is sing. Ophelia also suffers the heartbreak of rejection by Hamlet which causes her to sing a happy love song, which therefore shows us there is more evidence in there being a method to her madness as she is singing over the love of Hamlet. Ophelia’s supposed madness shows method, which contradicts Hamlet’s argument ‘Frailty, thy name is woman,’ as there appears evidence to why women appear frail. The madness of the female mind is said to be caused by the women’s faults mentally, physically and morally. In Act one scene three, Polonius says ‘Think yourself a baby that you have ta’en these tenders for true pay which are not sterling. ’ Immediately, we recognise Polonius’ patronizing tone towards Ophelia; he talks in terms of money, as if she is something to be sold. Her weakness mentally may not be her fault as she is constantly undermined by her brother Laertes and Polonius ‘Pooh, you speak like a green girl, unsifted in such perilous circumstance. Do you believe his tenders, as you call them? : ’ Polonius criticises Ophelia for being inexperienced and naive, giving the audience the impression she is victim of Polonius’ status above her. Ophelia uses ‘Tenders as an expression of love ‘He hath, my lord, of late made many tenders of his affection to me. ’ However Polonius uses it meaning an offer to buy something which shows the audience, Polonius references Ophelia to that of a whore, corrupted by sex, shows us a reflection of Polonius’ ownership of Ophelia. Ophelia replies to Polonius ‘I shall obey my lord. ’ Ophelia responds as a victim of a patriarchal society, having no choice over her father’s opinions. This shows Ophelia is impressionable and not strong enough to disobey her father. By her quick and victimised reply, she appears rehearsed and trained into obeying her father. Hamlet’s treatment of Ophelia alternates between protests of eternal love and brutality such as his cruel and critical speech in the nunnery scene, it could be argued Hamlet uses Ophelia in his revenge plot instinctively because she is a woman, and because she is a woman he knows her as the weaker sex therefore easier to persuade, ‘To a nunnery, go – and quickly too. ’ It appears it is not just the male sex who end up seeing women as lesser and as faulty beings, but after how they have been treated, also the women in ‘Hamlet’ resort to subordinating themselves to the men in the play like when Ophelia says ‘I shall obey my lord’ as they see it as right as it is how they are used to being treated and it is how they feel expected to respond. Hamlet says to Ophelia in Act three Scene two, ‘That’s a fair thought to lie between maids’ legs’ Hamlet is unreserved when showering Ophelia in sexual innuendoes, however Ophelia appears to understand him therefore showing depth to her character, ‘You are merry, my lord. ’ which suggests to us maybe Ophelia was not as naive and weak as we had previously thought in Act one Scene three. Ophelia, it would appear, entirely at the mercy of the male figures within her life, could be seen as a victim figure. Ophelia replies to Hamlet in short prose ‘Ay, my lord’. It appears she is denied a voice in her own defence or representation which coincides with the idea of being a victim of a patriarchal society. Within the patriarchal structure, women were forced to remain within the boundaries, including their compliance, reticence and chastity. Both Ophelia and Gertrude’s reputations are questioned in ‘Hamlet’ which results in further discrimination. If either Gertrude or Ophelia mention any sexual desire, immediately it appears they become devalued, Polonius calls Ophelia a fool for a daughter for thinking expressions of love ‘You’ll tender me a fool. ’ Polonius and Laertes, advise Ophelia to save her virginity as once she is ‘spoiled’ she would be worth nothing ‘Then weigh what loss your honour may sustain is with too credent ear you list his songs, or loose your heart, or your chaste treasure open to his unmastered importunity. ’ Because of the commanding tone of her brother and father, Ophelia appears incapable to fully think for herself due to the governing temperament of Polonius and Laertes. This position Ophelia is put into enforces the purpose of the patriarchal structure in which women are bound to their submissive roles. Female hysteria was once a frequent medical diagnosis which was made mostly in women. The source of the name Hysteria originally is from the Greek word for uterus, Hystera. Hysteria was an illness that was supposedly caused by sexual withdrawal in particularly passionate women and the illness was quite often seen supposedly in virgins, nuns, widows and occasionally married women. The character of Hamlet supposedly goes mad due to the mental stress over his mother’s swift re-marriage and the apparitions of his father’s ghost. But throughout ‘Hamlet’ the women’s cause for madness are unremittingly associated with their bodies and their sexual desires, Laertes and Polonius regularly comments on Ophelia’s sexual wellbeing ‘the chariest maid is prodigal enough is she unmark her beauty to the moon. ’ Suggesting, if she was to commit a sexual deed, she would become corrupt and dirty. To conclude, both sexes in ‘Hamlet’ commit unorthodox deeds, suggesting moral frailty; Claudius shows moral frailty by murdering his brother for the crown of Denmark and Gertrude betrays Hamlet and her late husband by a quick ‘incestuous’ relationship with a relative. Both sexes in ‘Hamlet? show a form of physical weakness, Ophelia suggests to an audience she was physically weak through drowning and Claudius suggest Hamlet is frail by appearing ‘unmanly’. Hamlet feigns madness to suggest to others around him of his mental instability and Ophelia is classed mad over the mourning of her father. Despite the female sex being classed as frail, in ‘Hamlet’ the women show hidden depths, Ophelia shows method to her madness, if she was mentally frail this wouldn’t be possible, Ophelia also understands what Hamlet is saying through his sexual innuendoes which suggests she was not as naive as Polonius deemed her to ‘be you speak like a green girl. ’ Gertrude also shows depth when she describes Ophelia’s death, Gertrude being the mouthpiece for the description of Ophelia’s death suggests solidarity between the women of the play. The repeated use of the word ‘incest’ when used to describe Hamlet and the Ghost’s perception of Gertrude’s relationship with Claudius and the undermining of Ophelia’s knowledge by Polonius and Laertes, considers women as naive and sexually disgusting which is a typical form of misogyny. It would appear there is no difference in frailty depending on the sex; both sexes experience the same bereavement when loosing a loved one therefore would seem madness in itself to class one sex frailer than the other. To an audience in the Shakespearean era, how the women of ‘Hamlet’ are treated, would be no different to how women were perceived due to the standards of the patriarchal society. However to a modern day female audience, the discrimination to women’s sexuality and mental state could be seen as somewhat offensive.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

#FreelancerFriday #2 - Roberta Hall, Cover Designer

#FreelancerFriday #2 - Roberta Hall, Cover Designer #FreelancerFriday #2 - Roberta Hall, Cover Designer â€Å"Each book has its own specific story, its own specific mission and language that it uses. What’s on the cover is there to draw people in but it’s also there to back up the brand itself.†Roberta Hall is our first #FreelancerFriday designer interview. Roberta is a pretty jaw-dropping designer. Here she talks through the way she researches in preparation for a project, revealing a serious, studied respect for her art as helping express the message of the book it represents. Her commitment is impressive, and she’ll likely raise your expectations for your designer significantly.Enjoy.–REEDSY Have you always freelanced?ROBERTA HALL In college, I was very ambitious; I did about four different internships, then started working for several magazines.REEDSY Do you prefer working with freelance clients?ROBERTA HALL I think so. Freelance is good because you get to work with the people you want to work with, who really have the concept you’d like to help them develop.REEDSY Do you have any preferences when you’re choosing clients?ROBERTA HALL It’s more about about the project they want to do. My design is more creative than corporate, so I wouldn’t necessarily work with corporate brands, but I would still work with a film company to develop their branding or posters. It depends on the style of the company.REEDSY As a freelancer, how do you create art that has that kind of closeness to someone else’s project?ROBERTA HALL It’s a really interesting process. You have to do a lot of research to do it well. I like to work directly with the author because I want to get their concept out there of what they think the book expresses. With a movie poster you have a lot of things going on. You have to get photos from the film, you have to really know plot lines, and know secret little things that people won’t necessarily know about until they go see the movie; they won’t notice them until later.REEDSY Like where a poster is one thing before people see the movie and another thing for people who’ve already seen it.ROBERTA HALL Yeah; it tries to make clear the mystery that you have going into the film, but it doesn’t give away details.Working with a book means you don’t necessarily have photos, so you have to do even more research. Some people like to go out and take photos of things that reflect the characters in the book, other people look at different photography sites to see if they can find elements that will best convey the story of the book itself. Sometimes authors like to choose some of the photography as well. So, it’s an interesting process in itself. For example, for one of the book covers I’ve worked on, what I was sent was the cover art and I pretty much just worked typography around the cover art to best display the message that they were going for. Other books have an abstract meaning behind them, so in that case you might want to go with an illustrational style.REEDSY When you’re trying to get this sense of the book to work with, do you just use the manuscript?ROBERTA HALL I usually talk to the author. Even though I would love to read the book, I might not get the same message out of it that the author wants the cover to convey. The whole thing about a book cover is you want it to match not only what the author wants, but also to convey the message that the author’s trying to get out there. I might not necessarily see the book the same way the author does - which is good because if everyone saw the book the same way, there wouldn’t be as much to discuss.REEDSY You called your work more creative than corporate - how do you feel about the whole question of whether book covers are art or there to do a commercial job?ROBERTA HALL It’s more of a split. Some people view book covers as art and others view it just as ‘commercial art.’ What’s so interesting about that is that the artist will know that it’s art, will be able to explain the reasoning behind it, but then you could ask a regular person and they could say it’s just a book cover, it’s commercial, but either way, it *is* art. The packaging on a lot of the things that we buy is art - but people might not see it that way because they don’t necessarily see the detail that goes into it.What’s interesting is that designers will sometimes spend hours looking through typefaces for something that conveys a strong message, and can also be elegant at the same time. Even though it’s commercial art, I really believe that a solid book cover is the same thing as a solid poster. It’s more interesting. It make someone wants to pick the book up more. It drives you to look inside and see this worl d that the art has created for the viewer.REEDSY What can authors give you to help you work on a cover?ROBERTA HALL When someone sends me a pitch I like to do research and ask questions. The more information you can get the better the design will be. So if all you tell me is that you want an elegant book cover, to me 'elegant’ might mean a script font that has some floral design on there - but that might take away from the message of the book; that book might be about the 1920’s, and that floral script might be the complete opposite. It’s really about asking as many questions up front on the design of the book. When you ask these questions, your research will be more narrowed down and you’ll be able to isolate the things that come together.REEDSY When you’re researching in preparation for a design, what does that involve?ROBERTA HALL If someone asked me to do a poster about the Civil war, where I don’t know a lot of information about it, I’ll go back and I’ll research not only images but also text, the way people wrote back then, and even the way people talked, because that can influence different styles in design. And so I’ll spend hours trying to figure out this new style that will be illustrating what the author wants to go for and, honestly, what I want to go for too. The problem is that book covers are a lot like branding; if the book cover is designed incorrectly, in a way that doesn’t match the book, then the book is branded incorrectly.REEDSY How does you understand branding as it relates to book covers?ROBERTA HALL Each book has its own specific story, its own specific mission and language that it uses. What’s on the cover is there to draw people in but it’s also there to back up the brand itself. So by 'brand’ I mean anything, even the typeface of the book.So for example, I wouldn’t design a cover for a book about bullying with a script font; it would change the meaning of the word bullying, change the meaning of the whole book itself based on that script font. If you see a script font you’re going to think that’s kind of girly, or elegant; you’re not going to think of a book that’s about a strong moral message. You need to be consistent with the author’s mission of the book, as well as the book’s plot, because if not you’re going to throw a lot of people off who would have normally picked it up.REEDSY When you’ve worked with authors do they often have a very developed idea of a brand? Or can you help them work that out?ROBERTA HALL Initially, the way people write is also part of the brand, so I just try to give a visual image to that. I try to help them to define things that they’ve already said. The way we say things can often have visual imagery behind it. As a designer, working with images, it’s easier for us to see it than it is for a writer who spends most of their time working with words.REEDSY So once you’ve done progress with your research, what comes next?ROBERTA HALL After I’ve done research I put together mood boards, which could be anything from different fonts and different colours along with the different styles of fonts and the different photos that work together to emphasise the book’s message. Then you decide if it’s going to have a photo or an illustration. You work on that before you bring in the typography. The typography, even though it should be thought of continuously throughout, won’t be brought in until after the image has been developed. So the whole process goes through the different stages of design.A really good book cover, if you look at the image - if it has one, because sometimes the cover is made up just of words - if you look at the image and it emphasises the meaning without having any typography, you’re a step closer to having a finished book cover.REEDSY And so this brings you to this one, final version of a cover?ROBERTA HALL Often it’s more like drafts. What’s always interesting about design is that when designers are working they make mistakes, but it can end up actually working for them. Like, they’ll use the picture in a way they didn’t mean to, but it works better than their original plan. It’s like playing with the images, even when you had your original concept, it might not necessarily come out the way you want to. You keep working with it and you also keep working with different drafts and different ideas as well.Usually you want to come up with around four or five different ideas just for one book cover. One of your drafts or designs might show one aspect of the book, and another design completely different aspect. You’re trying to mould those together. You come up with multiple different ways of visually saying the same thing. They probably have similar colours and imagery, but one might split up the image to make it seem stronger, while the other could be softer. They could both have the same typography and the same feel, but be put together completely differently.After you have the initial image of how you want the book cover to look, you also have to back it up with the typography. For example if your design has a lot of movement in it you might choose one with colours you’ve already used. It’s better to use fewer colours than it is to overstimulate someone when they’re looking at the book cover. So if I’ve used red in the imagery, I’ll try to use red in the typography; if it’s a flowy book cover where there’s a lot of movement, I’m going to want my typography to have a lot of movement as well, to back up the message that’s already been stated with the image itself. The typography and the visual image have to interact a lot together. The way one image works with the typography is different to how another image works with the typography as well, so you’re goin g through all these different typefaces to find one that really works with the message and the brand of the book.REEDSY Are there projects you won’t take on? Any genres, maybe?ROBERTA HALL I like to know a lot about the book. The bottom line is if I don’t find the book interesting, I’m not going to design it in an interesting way. If I’m interested and passionate about the book itself, I’ll do everything possible to have that brand be shown through visually.But I don’t have any preferences about genre. I believe that each book has its own story, and each book brings something new to the story. If I said no to all romance books, I could be turning down a lot of interesting projects. If I say no to a whole bunch of science-fiction books I’d be shoving a lot of projects away when I might actually be interested and the designs would be really good. So as far as different genres of books, I like to keep an open mind. I’d rather not limit myself.What you have to do as a designer, when you’re working with any project, is look at new images and new inspirations. Often I’m on Pinterest and I’ll see new ways t o use different mages and different designs and things that’ll push me. If a designer is kept to themselves for a long time, they’ll start repeating the same steps without realising it. They’ll keep designing similar styles when they should be pushing harder, be researching more, be looking at different designs and and architecture and the outside environment, looking around the world to get more inspiration to really push it a little bit further. Each time it’s a challenge, and you want it to be a challenge. If it’s easy you’re not pushing yourself hard enough. You could have made that book cover, that you thought was easy, better. You can make everything better.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Biggest Barrier to Students Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle by Research Paper

The Biggest Barrier to Students Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle by Remaining Physically Active - Research Paper Example Around 61% of obese five to 10 year olds have risk factors for diseases, such as heart disease, and even diabetes. The problems of being obese have magnificent negative consequences for the individual, in terms of social, psychological and physical problems (CDC, pp.2). This problem occurs highly in high-school and university students. Around sixty-four percent of high school students do not engage in any sort of physical activity (CDC, pp.2). Only one-half of high schools students undertake any stretching and strengthening exercises. In fact, according to this CDC survey, the physical activity declines, as students loom closer to graduation (Villaire, n.p).Grubbs (2002) has also acknowledged that the physical activities tend to decline during late adolescence and early adulthood. This problem needs elimination, because this decline in physical activity may continue for the rest of the life (Nizeyimana, pp. 1-2). One should understand the idea behind this problem. Why are students no t engaging in physical activities? Is it because of the system of schools? Or because of the recent technological innovations? As Villaire claims, it could be because of the decrease of recess time and gym classes in various high schools. However, researchers also point toward this idea that schools are not the only problem in the system. Parents have an important role in increasing the problem, because of non-existence of strict routines for watching television, using computer, and playing video games. Parents also do not require their children to play outdoors, walk more or even participate in any organized physical activities. According to the writer’s opinion, the biggest constraint to the physical activity remains the technological innovations that have increased in the recent world, which prevents students from maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Sedentary leisure activities have increased for a number of teenagers and adolescents. These activities include watching televis ion, using the computer for long intervals, playing video games on Play Station and X-box. A 1999 report from the Kaiser Family Foundation revealed that individuals, aged 2-18, spend more than four hours on average, watching television, using a computer, video games, and other activities mentioned above. Television has been mainly attributed towards decreasing the time, left for physical activity. An indirect consequence on an unhealthy lifestyle of watching television for longer periods of time includes the TV commercials, which may affect children’s eating habits, thus leading to higher consumption of food items, which may increase the chances of obesity (Villaire, n.p). Overall, the physical activity has decreased, because children are being driven to school, to friends’ houses and in the last year of high school, and eventually before college, students are given cars, so they can drive themselves around. This has led to a drastic decrease in physical activity. Henc e, new research has also pointed out towards this idea that technology is our problem. Previously, children used to go outside and play in the garden. However, now children like to play indoors, with their x-boxes, or simply watch television with friends. Numerous researches have also pointed out to this idea, especially one by Dietz and Gortmaker (1985), who found out that obesity for a particular sample increased by 2% for every additional hour of watching telev

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Project Management for Information Technology Assignment

Project Management for Information Technology - Assignment Example The applications as well as the limitations of these two models in the aspect of information technology project management are also considered. The examples of information technology projects are taken from two companies, namely Google Inc. and Microsoft Corporation and the role of culture in the success or failure of these projects are discussed and analysed. It is identified that both Google Inc. and Microsoft Corporation are extremely mature companies in terms of project management as well as in the use of information technology systems. The analysis of the examples of information technology projects in these two organizations establish that culture plays an important role in the management of different types of information technology projects. The analysis also indicates that a supportive culture is necessary for the short term as well as the long term success of these kinds of projects. The examples show that the complexity associated with the information technology projects can be managed to a high degree through the development of an appropriate culture within the organization and among its members. The report is concluded by summarizing the overall findings from the analysis of the theories and examples. Organizational culture has emerged as an important perspective in the modern business world. The role of organizational culture has been highlighted in the recent years due to many organizations experiencing issues and fallouts due to discrepancies in their project management and their respective cultures. On the other hand, a majority of the successful companies across the world are identified to have focused extensively on integrating culture in their organizational functions and capabilities. Corporate culture is also an important influencing factor in the way in which information technology projects are managed in a company. It has been identified that when an information technology project fails,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Nonverbal Communication Cod Essay Example for Free

Nonverbal Communication Cod Essay 1. What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image? 2. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? 3. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? 4. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? 1. What cultural barriers are seen in this image? 2. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? 3. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? 4. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? 1. What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image? 2. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? 3. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? 4. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? 1. What cultural barriers can be seen in this image? 2. What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image? 3. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? 4. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? 5. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? 1. What cultural barriers can be seen in this image? 2. What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image? 3. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? 4. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? 5. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation?

Friday, November 15, 2019

Free Essays - Changes in Achilles of The Iliad :: Iliad essays

Changes in Achilles of The Iliad There are times in my own life in which I realize that a goal that I have been pursuing rigorously is really not worth my time and effort, or that the way I have been pursuing that particular goal is not the most effective way. After I come to these realizations I find it helpful, if not necessary, to step back and analyze the situation. This is what happened to Achilles throughout the first sixteen books of the epic. At first Achilles had a set of clearly defined goals, he was to fight side by side with the Achaeans, sack Troy, and, by doing these things, gain honor and wealth. As the war progressed a series of events took place that forced Achilles to step out of the fight. While he was inactive and had time to contemplate, he came to the realization that he had been fighting for nine years for the sake of a man whose woman has been stolen; now that his woman had been stolen no one fights for his sake. He also realizes that there are other, less risky ways of obtaining wealth and honor, including sending Patroklus out in his armor. Another thing he ponders on, but doesn't seem to take seriously, is whether or not honor is really worth the struggle. All these changes of mind take place throughout book nine in which the embassy composed of Aias, Odysseus, and Phoenix visits Achilles. By the time the embassy arrived at his hut Achilles had been toying with the idea of returning to his homeland and abandoning the struggle for wealth and honor. Because of the embassy Achilles' mind was changed, probably due to a sense of camaraderie, and he decides to stay but fight only if the struggle reaches his own camp. At this height of the epic we see that Achilles is still very much concerned with wealth and honor, the question now is "how to accomplish his goal". Achilles is aware of a few things and this puts him at an advantage over the rest. He knows that he will eventually be honored and that Agamemnon's debt to him will eventually be paid; he knows this because Athena had promised it to him if he didn't kill Agamemnon.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Waiting for Godot

â€Å"Waiting For Godot† is a play by Samuel Beckett in which the two main characters Vladimir and Estragon wait for Godot. Both men talk like they know who he is but also agree that if they were to see Godot they wouldn't recognize him. The play isn't one that I like but I do like the message that I perceived. In my opinion the play is about finding what makes you, you; finding what you live for and finding God. â€Å"Waiting For Godot† takes place in a desolate area where the two men, Vladimir and Estragon wait near a tree. Vladimir, one of the main characters also goes by the nickname Didi given to him by Estragon. Didi seems to be more mature than his friend. Estragon or Gogo, has a poor memory and looks to Didi for help and protection. Pozzo is a blind man who passes by the two men but later doesn't recall meeting them. Pozzo has a slave named Lucky, although he's a slave he's entertaining and smart. Later in the play he becomes ignorant. There is also a boy who comes each night to inform Didi and Gogo that Godot will not be coming but every night insists he hasn't come the night before. Lastly, Godot who never appears in the play although he's being waited for. Through out the play Vladimir and Estragon just wait by a tree for Godot, a few people pass through and although Godot fails to appear the men still wait in fear that they might miss him. This play is also a product of the Absurdist movement. The belief of the theater of the absurd is that without God human existence is meaningless. In these plays it's mostly irrational and illogical communication. Man acts like a puppet, they have no meaning and are controlled by an invisible outside force. Godot is the outside force controlling what Vladimir and Estragon do because they sit and wait for him. There is no plot change and not much action in the play, it's mostly conversation about random thoughts or actions. In my opinion I believe the play is boring, but the message portrayed is interesting. The reason the play is dull is because each character has no meaning. The whole play is basically conversation and nothing happens. Then again a lot of good messages come out of a whole lot of nothing. Didi and Gogo are simply two men and because they do not have Godot in their lives they are merely just two men. They have no meaning and the message in the play is that you have to find who you are, what you live for, and mostly that without God life has no meaning. In the play â€Å"Waiting For Godot†, Godot portrays God. Although you can not see God, it's believed that he's an invisible force or soul that is always there. In the theater of the absurd it says without God life is meaningless. In this play Godot or God never shows up, therefore a sign that God isn't there and their lives were pointless and were being controlled by this false belief. If Godot would have been there Didi and Gogo's waiting would have been for a reason. Samuel Beckett's play â€Å"Waiting For Godot† is a product of the Absurdist movement. The two main characters are waiting the whole time for Godot also thought of as God. Vladimir and Estagon have no meaning in their lives because Godot never shows up. None of the characters know where they belong in life or who they really are because each character changes from on extreme to the other. Didi and Gogo are being controlled by the unknown which only proves how important believing in something is, although it can't be seen. The main point and meaning in this play is that without God, mankind is nothing. Waiting for Godot â€Å"Waiting For Godot† is a play by Samuel Beckett in which the two main characters Vladimir and Estragon wait for Godot. Both men talk like they know who he is but also agree that if they were to see Godot they wouldn't recognize him. The play isn't one that I like but I do like the message that I perceived. In my opinion the play is about finding what makes you, you; finding what you live for and finding God. â€Å"Waiting For Godot† takes place in a desolate area where the two men, Vladimir and Estragon wait near a tree. Vladimir, one of the main characters also goes by the nickname Didi given to him by Estragon. Didi seems to be more mature than his friend. Estragon or Gogo, has a poor memory and looks to Didi for help and protection. Pozzo is a blind man who passes by the two men but later doesn't recall meeting them. Pozzo has a slave named Lucky, although he's a slave he's entertaining and smart. Later in the play he becomes ignorant. There is also a boy who comes each night to inform Didi and Gogo that Godot will not be coming but every night insists he hasn't come the night before. Lastly, Godot who never appears in the play although he's being waited for. Through out the play Vladimir and Estragon just wait by a tree for Godot, a few people pass through and although Godot fails to appear the men still wait in fear that they might miss him. This play is also a product of the Absurdist movement. The belief of the theater of the absurd is that without God human existence is meaningless. In these plays it's mostly irrational and illogical communication. Man acts like a puppet, they have no meaning and are controlled by an invisible outside force. Godot is the outside force controlling what Vladimir and Estragon do because they sit and wait for him. There is no plot change and not much action in the play, it's mostly conversation about random thoughts or actions. In my opinion I believe the play is boring, but the message portrayed is interesting. The reason the play is dull is because each character has no meaning. The whole play is basically conversation and nothing happens. Then again a lot of good messages come out of a whole lot of nothing. Didi and Gogo are simply two men and because they do not have Godot in their lives they are merely just two men. They have no meaning and the message in the play is that you have to find who you are, what you live for, and mostly that without God life has no meaning. In the play â€Å"Waiting For Godot†, Godot portrays God. Although you can not see God, it's believed that he's an invisible force or soul that is always there. In the theater of the absurd it says without God life is meaningless. In this play Godot or God never shows up, therefore a sign that God isn't there and their lives were pointless and were being controlled by this false belief. If Godot would have been there Didi and Gogo's waiting would have been for a reason. Samuel Beckett's play â€Å"Waiting For Godot† is a product of the Absurdist movement. The two main characters are waiting the whole time for Godot also thought of as God. Vladimir and Estagon have no meaning in their lives because Godot never shows up. None of the characters know where they belong in life or who they really are because each character changes from on extreme to the other. Didi and Gogo are being controlled by the unknown which only proves how important believing in something is, although it can't be seen. The main point and meaning in this play is that without God, mankind is nothing.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Computer Technician Essay

Memory: Your memory does not store everything forever. The computer memory refers to computer components, devices and recording media that retain digital information. The computer data storage provides one of the core functions of a computer that of information retention. How a Computer Remembers: A computer has two memories, called RAM and ROM. ROM stands for Read Only Memory. It carries the information. The computer needs to carry out, it’s task, and it cannot be altered. It stays there even when the computer switch off. RAM stands for Random Access Memory or Read and Write Memory. This contains the information the computer needs to carry out the particular task you want. When you switch off the computer, RAM empties itself. You can save your work on CD-ROM, DVD ROM Disk, Floppy Disk, Flash Drives, etc. Storing Information: Each memory cells stores binary digits. It is easy to see that the size of computers RAM is important because the computer can only do the amount of work that it has room for. Computer Memory Memory Imagine that you are going to the park to play with your friends. You know the way because you have been there before. The route is stored in your memory. On the way, you meet someone and stop for a chat. If it’s not about anything important, you will probably soon forget. Your memory does not store everything forever. The computer memory refers to computer components, devices and recording media that retain digital information used for computing for some interval of time. The computer data storage provides one of the core functions of a computer, that of information retention. How a Computer Remembers A computer’s memory works in similar way. There are some pieces of information that need to be stored away. Others can be forgotten once the computer has worked on them. To separate the two types of information, a computer has two memories called ROM and RAM. ROM stands for Read Only Memory. ROM carries the information the computer needs to carry out its task. This information is built into the computer and cannot be altered. It stays there even when the computer is switched off, just as your memory of how to get to the park stays with you until you need it again. RAM stands for Random Access Memory, or read and write memory. This contains the information the computer needs to carry out the particular task you want it to do now. When you switch off the computer, RAM empties itself. You can save your work on CD-ROM. DVD ROM disks, floppy disks, flash drives, etc. Storing Information ROM and RAM are both made up of memory cells, Each memory cell stores binary digits. A chip may be able to store millions of bits. It is easy to see that the size of the computer’s RAM is important because RAM has room for it. With some computers, it is possible to add extra memory chips to increase the RAM.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Coougar - Highlights essays

Coougar - Highlights essays Cougaar (Cognitive Agent Architecture) is the most advanced agent architecture to date and was demonstrated by DARPA and DLAs 5-year Advanced Logistics Project (ALP). ALPs final demonstration was held in May 2001 and consisted of building a level-5 logistics plan in one hour. The demonstration showed the results of 300 organizations with 5000 functional processes working together to create the logistics plan. The plan gives the methods to transport food, fuel, construction material, ammo, medical supplies, spare parts, 20,000 major end items, and 33,000 people transported from US to the tactical assembly area. Courgaar is patterned after the Human Cognitive Process and is based on agent-oriented architecture. The human cognitive process consists of three functions: 1. Task Expander Function - Decomposing larger tasks into smaller ones 2. Allocator Function Allocate resources to those tasks. 3. Assessor Function Continually assess how we are doing. Agent-oriented architecture is the next step beyond object-oriented or the client-server model. Object-oriented focuses on a data centric view to build objects. In object-oriented systems there is a central point of process coordination. Agent-oriented shifts to a process centric view of creating systems. It is still based on OO technologies but uses a process based approach to design focused on emulating the properties of agency, of humans, yielding distinct advantages over its predecessor. Agent-oriented systems demonstrate true distributed computing. Clients coordinate data and processes between all members of the system removing the need for a central server. Each component is self managing and can dynamically establish relationships, coordinate with other components, and communicate within the system as needed. What is an agent and what do they do? An agent is an element of software that ca ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Hexapods Are a Diverse Group of Six-Legged Arthropods

Hexapods Are a Diverse Group of Six-Legged Arthropods Hexapods are a group of arthropods that include more than one million described, species, most of which are insects, but a handful of which belong to the lesser-known group Entognatha. In terms of the sheer number of species, no other family of animals comes close to the hexapods; these six-legged arthropods are, in fact, over twice as diverse as all other vertebrate and invertebrate animals combined. Most hexapods are terrestrial animals, but there are some exceptions to this rule. Some species live in aquatic freshwater habitats such as lakes, wetlands, and rivers, while others inhabit coastal marine waters. Hexapods Avoid Sub-Tidal Marine Areas The only habitats that hexapods avoid are sub-tidal marine areas, such as oceans and shallow seas. The success of hexapods in colonizing land can be attributed to their body plan (especially the strong cuticles covering their bodies that provide protection from predators, infection and water loss), as well as their flying skills. Another successful attribute of hexapods is their  holometabolous development, a mouthful of a term which means that juvenile and adult hexapods of the same species are very different in their ecological requirements, immature hexapods using different resources (including food sources and habitat features) than the adults of the same species. Hexapods Are Vital But Also Pose Many Threats Hexapods are vital to the communities in which they live; for example, early two-thirds of all flowering plant species rely on hexapods for pollination. Yet hexapods also pose many threats. These small arthropods can inflict vast crop damage and are known to spread numerous debilitating and fatal diseases in humans and other animals. The body of a hexapod is made up of three sections, a head, a thorax, and an abdomen. The head has a pair of compound  eyes, a pair of antennae, and numerous mouthparts (such as mandibles, labrum, maxilla, and labium). The Three Segments of Thorax The thorax consists of three segments, the prothorax, the mesothorax, and the metathorax. Each segment of the thorax has a pair of legs, making for six legs in all (the forelegs, the middle legs, and the hind legs). Most adult insects also possess two pairs of wings; the forewings are located on the mesothorax and the hind-wings are attached to the metathorax. Wingless Hexapods Although most adult hexapods have wings, some species are wingless throughout their life cycles or lose their wings after a certain period before adulthood. For example, parasitic insect orders such as lice and fleas no longer have wings (although their ancestors of millions of years ago did have wings). Other groups, such as the Entognatha and Zygentoma, are more primitive than classic insects; not even the ancestors of these animals had wings. Many hexapods have evolved alongside plants in a process known as coevolution. Pollination is one example of a coevolutionary adaptation between plants and pollinators in which both parties benefit. Classification Hexapods are classified within the following taxonomic hierarchy: Animals Invertebrates Arthropods Hexapods Hexapods are divided into the following basic groups: Insects (Insecta) - There are more than one million species of insects that have been identified, and scientists estimate that there may be many millions more species yet to be named. Insects have three pairs of legs, two pairs of wings and compound eyes.Springtails and their relatives (Entognatha) - The mouthparts of springtails, such as the two-pronged bristletails and the proturans (or coneheads), can be retracted within their heads. All entognaths lack wings. Edited on February 10, 2017, by Bob Strauss

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Capstone Project Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Capstone Project Final - Essay Example Perhaps the most obvious challenges associated with learning English include grammar complexity, vocabulary, slang, colloquialism, pronunciation and spelling, and the variations that exist. Setting aside this obvious challenges, cultural challenges often cloud the path of learning to write in English especially if one’s background is not western affiliated. Some of the cultural challenges are examined in this paper, drawing resources from different linguistic experts and articles in a bid to demonstrate how the challenges affect learning to write in English. In the article of Fan Shen The Classroom and the Wider Culture, Shen explores some challenges he faced while trying to learn English. Fan Shen being from a Chinese background and a Communist country of China. He grew up writing in accordance with the Chinese teachings; that bears significant variations from the Western style. Because of his background he faced a lot of challenges learning to write1. For example, Fan Shen had always known that the word â€Å"I† was not as good as we. The â€Å"we† phrase is more persuasive and influential â€Å"I† in China. The phrase â€Å"I† had negative implications and would suggest selfishness in China. In English writing, this is always not the case. Shen had to navigate a way to write according to English principles despite the cultural Chinese influences. He adopted a unique method to implement this, personifying himself to be born again as an English self-speaker2. The new self was distinct from his former self. B y this, he was able to adopt the English writing customs without losing his Chinese self in linguistics. Second English language learner’s beliefs are accorded negligible attention when considering cultural challenges of learning English. It is evident that English learners bear themselves with a complicated web of cultural experiences, beliefs, attitudes and expectations when

Friday, November 1, 2019

Theology Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theology Exam - Essay Example pective of the perception one has to consider the formation, the majority has started to appreciate that the situation of the bionetwork is declining due to the wasteful ways of humans. A number of individuals are certain that the risk of a universal calamity can be avoided. For some, there is the conviction that if appropriate learning as well as economic safety can be given to everyone, people can act in a responsible manner. Others are anticipating that the technology will show them a â€Å"miracle cure† via things such as â€Å"contamination-free energy and wonder drugs† (Bouma-Prediger, p. 152). Hoping for such solutions is useless because it would merely take care of the warning signs, as though the troubles will leave on their own. Without the worldview that Christians infer from Bible, attempts to solve the problems will not be tackling the actual concerns. According to Christian’s belief, it is not the things that people do that are unhygienic, but it is what flows out of their hearts; the attitude of humans is merely a part of the problem. Post-modern Christianity is as complicated to lock down in a precise definition as post-modernism itself. What began during the 1950s within structural design as a response to modernist thinking and technique was quickly approved by the art as well as literary world during 1970s and 1980s. The Church did not actually think about this consequence until the late 1990s. This response was a closure of â€Å"cold, hard† (Waters, p. 142) reality in support of â€Å"warm, fuzzy subjectivity†. One can imagine anything known to be post-modern and then attach Christianity into that perspective and he will get the idea about post-modern Christianity. Post-modern Christianity is similar to fundamental post-modernist thoughts. It is regarding â€Å"experience over reason, subjectivity over objectivity, spirituality over religion, images over words, and outward over inward† (Waters, p. 156). However, the positive or negative aspect